This farm believes that the key to growing in this sector of specialty coffees is an incredible adventure and a constant journey of improvement. Their dream is to have a farm that is exuberant, high quality and sustainable, with a happy, polite and united community.

Five generations and a story around coffee which began, by Mr. Procópio Jr. and is currently carefully managed by his granddaughter Laura. Tradition, incredible terroir and innovation all mixed in a small paradise called Condado, where a sweet, citrusy and incredibly full-bodied coffee is produced.

Finally, with the belief that nothing is ever over, and that everything has not yet been done, continuous improvement to make a surprising coffee is what they focus on.

Fazenda Condado (farm), managed by producer Laura, who 4 years ago took the reins of the family farm and worked hard to improve its quality, practices and presents her product and that of her neighbors to the world! “Selling and helping my neighbors is so rewarding when I sell my coffee” words by Laura, a member of Amecafé, an association of women producers in Mantiqueira de minas.An incredible partnership with small producers in the south of Minas Gerais!

In this green sea of plantations, we see a lot of struggle for more coffee quality and valorization.

This group only produces giants! Coffees with notes of jabuticaba with caramelized finish, is one of the coffees that we are delighted when we taste there! Simply AMAZING!

Fazenda Condado Farm

City: Santa Rita do Sapucaí

Region: Mantiqueira de Minas/ Sul de Minas

Altitude: 950 to 1150m

SCA methodology: 83 points

Sensorial: Sugar, caramel, good body and medium acidity

Coffee Process: Pulped Natural and Natural

Varieties: Yellow Catucaí/ Catucaí/ Mundo Novo and Acauã

Volume per year: 3000 – 6000/ 60kg bags

Certifications: Certifica Minas, UTZ

Country: Brazil