The grower Mr. Laerce Franca Faleiros is been working with coffee for more than 55 years, he is married with Mrs. Maria Lúcia Vilhena, daughter of Mr. Vilhena. The both families Vilhena and Faleiros have a very long Entrepreneur tradition producing great coffees.

Today the farm is manager from Mr. Laerce’s son Elvis, he is secound generation and his whole life was in the world of coffee, he was born under the foot of coffee. His stories have always had great examples in his family, and he wants to leave a legacy for his children throught sustainable production, looking for quality coffees  and send the better coffee direct from farm for the most demanding customers. People who think special will make a special coffee.

He started with the fermentation process 6 years ago, in 2014, in the beginning of this wave here in Brazil. It is very important to get high quality and they tried with a lot of options, limon, wine tangerine and other incredible fruits.

The coffee of the natural process in all 7 farms of the Eldorado group has a result very intense of the sweet and flavours and they also have honey process that helps in the intensity of sweetness and amazing note of caramel.

ElDorado is one of the pearls of Alta Mogiana, and had already accomplished a number of awards. In 2017, the coffee from ElDorado was the 16º in the Cup of Excellence Naturals Category, with 89 points on the SCA cupping method. 

In the last competition organised by AMSC (Alta Mogiana Specialty Coffee) in the city of Franca, Mr. Laerce and Mrs. Maria won on the 1st Place of Quality on the Microlots category. The lot that won was a very unique and complex coffee with notes of strawberry jelly.

New drying process like raised African beds and controlled fermentation were implemented on the last crop of 2018-19.

Beside the microlots, ElDorado has a large production of specialty coffees with grades between 83 and 85 points, becoming a key supplier for medium and large importers and roasters around the World.

City with climate, altitude, and perfect temperatures for growing coffee, Ibiraci has already produced several coffee champions in the Alta Mogiana quality championships. And in 2019 the 1st place in the Cup of Excellence Brazil edition. It is no accident that the main economic activity of the city is coffee production.

And in 2001, Mr. Laerce Franca Faleiros, founded the Cooperative dos Cafeicultores de Ibiraci – Cocapil, where the coffees are received, prepared, and storage in the family’s warehouse. In 2020, Cocapil is receiving more than 300,000 (thousand) bags (60 kg) of coffee, and 25,000 bags out of this volume are Rainforest Alliance certified coffees. Working only with fine and specialty coffees, the cooperative is able to promote the farms as a Direct Trader with 100% traceability in the warehouses. In their coffee lab, every single lot is tasted in order to match the desired cupping profiles of our end customers.

They are pioneer on the transparency commercial relationships with the producers that their coffee lots reach hight grades according to the SCA cupping metodology paying a better price to their members. Each lot that we receive is proven by our Q- graders.


Fazendas de Ibiraci

7 Farms, only one goal: produce amezing coffees!

Eldorado I & II Farms

Farmer: Laerce Franca Faleiros

City: Ibiraci – MG- Brazil

Region: Alto Mogiana Mineira

Altitude: 1205 metros above sea level

SCA methodology : 83 pts

Sensorial: Good body, midium acidity and very sweetness with notes of chocolate

Coffee Process: Honey, pulped natural and natural process.

Varieties:   Yellow Bourbon /Red Bourbon / Yellow and Red Catuaí / Arara / Obatã

Volume per year: 1 hundred thousands bags

Country: Brazil

Certificates: 4C , Rainforest Aliance

Premium: Cup of Excelence