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TOP Fine Cup
Farmer: Laerce Franca Faleiros
City: Ibiraci – MG- Brazil
Region: Alto Mogiana Mineira
Altitude: 1205 metros above sea level
SCA methodology : 83 pts
Process: Natural
Sensorial: light body, midium acidity and sweetness with notes of chocolate
This procces is to offer the tradicional fine cup brazillian coffee. On Eldorado’s farm they work with selective collect from women, after that this selected coffee beans comes straight, with their shell, to dry in the yard around 20 days. In first they dry in thinner rows and then it thickens to dry up slower, until reaching the ideal moisture point.
Special Coffee
Honey Coffee to substitute the central coffee sensorials
Farmer: Laerce Franca Faleiros
City: Ibiraci – MG- Brazil
Region: Alto Mogiana Mineira
Altitude: 1205 metros above sea level
SCA methodology : 84 pts
Process: Honey
Sensorial: Good body, high acidity and sweetness with caramel and yellow fruits notes
Differentiated Process: After a long process of analysis, the farm reached a result close to or better than the sensorial of the central coffees. If they maintain the mucilage in the process of drying they get the desired sweetness. But Jean, the son of Laerce that is the responsible of quality process now in the Eldorado’s farm, goes beyond and work with a light fermentation and it makes a slower drying, resulting in a sweeter and more acidic coffee.
How to match: The perfect region and a punctual process. The central coffees using selective collect and have a high altitudes and it can be achieve through slower drying and light fermentation.
Fine CUP
Specie: 100% Arabica
Origin: Brazil
Process: Natural
Quality: Fine Cup
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NY Types: 2/3 | 3/4
A Fine Cup coffee drink has much appreciated characteristics such as clean drink, uniformity, medium acidity, medium body and slightly smooth finish.
This kind of coffee is the traditional perception of the basic sensorial coffee you can find in many regions of Brazil. We promise to offer a fair and standardized product through a high quality control.
It presents balanced acidity in clean and uniform cups, with a smooth body and flavor. The sensory perception is of a full-bodied Brazilian coffee that fills the entire mouth, giving the sensation of smoothness.
Specie: 100% Arabica
Origin: Brazil
Process: Natural
Quality: Good Cup
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NY Types: 2/3 | 3/4
This coffee is coming from South of Minas from different farms bring a quality and sustainable process developing a fair and standardized sensory of this kind of coffee.
The sensory is strictly soft coffee that may present unevenness between cups, but free from teased cups.
Its finish is slightly bitter and its grains provide harmony in the composition of blends.
Just a few types of coffee we’ve worked on
Feel free to ask us about other types